The 1997 Constitution

The 16 th Constitution of Thailand promulgated in 1997 was recognized as the one to reflect people’s interest through participation at various stages of the drafting.  It guarantees equal rights for men and women as well as specifying that any discrimination on the basis of sex is unconstitutional. The followings are the items concerns to the gender equality:-


Section 30

    - Equal rights and equal treatment of men and women.

- Affirmation actions to promote an equal exercise of rights should not be considered an unfair treatment.


Section 80.  The State’s duty to promote gender equality.


The 2007 Constitution

The 17 th Constitution of Thailand promulgated in 2007 was recognized as the one to reflect people’s interest through participation at various stages of the drafting.  It guarantees equal rights for men and women as well as specifying that any discrimination on the basis of sex is unconstitutional. The followings are the items concerns to the gender equality:-


Section 30 of the constitution specifies that men and women have equal rights, and unjust discrimination against a person on the ground of sex is not permitted.  


Section 52. Children, youth and women have the right to state’s protection from violence and unjust treatment, and those subjected to these abuses are entiled to rehabilitation and remedial measures.


Section 80.  The State shall promote the equality between women and men


Section 87. The State shall act in compliance with the public participation. In providing public participation in determination of public policy, decision on politics, examination of State power at all levels, strengthen politics power and provide education to public related to development of politics, regard shall be had to approximate proportion between women and men.


Section 97. The preparation of the lists of candidates prepared by a political party for the election of the members of the House of Representatives on a proportional basis, in  preparing the list of candidates, regard shall be had to opportunity and approximate proportion between women and men.